Team Leadership

Programme type: in-house
Standard duration: 1 strategic session + 6 team sessions (1day session) + 6 individual sessions (following each of the group sessions)

Let’s have a talk!

The organisational programme validated by more than 10 years of coaching experience, with over 250 companies in 25 countries

I have accompanied more than 250 executives, managers and entrepreneurs of the largest companies in the world to achieve their goals, whether business growth, strengthening their teams, getting ahead in their careers or overcaming serious challenges in their organisations.

Companies today face major changes:

Employee profile has changed dramatically. People choose their jobs, not only the other way around. Job seekers are becoming more selective and demanding in the process.

The labour market is very scarce. Organisations need to do things differently to attract and retain valuable staff.

Organisations are facing high staff turnover and instability. People come and go and are not prepared to stay in unflexible organisations, working under strict hierarchies and rigid principles.

Do these challenges sound familiar? The programme Team Leadership Excellence helps change the organisation and its leaders from within; to create more dynamic leaders, who are more humane and better connected to their teams; who lead passionately and genuinely work to achieve what’s best for the organisation.

Why participate in
Team Leadership Excellence?

You will work with a personalised programme, tailored to your needs and those of your team

The Team Leadership Excellence programme is not an off-the-shelf offering. It is a specialised, bespoke programme, customised to meet your needs and address your immediate challenges. The program is tailored to fit you like a glove.

You become part of a real team, not only a technical team.

Organisational teams are often little more than a group of well-prepared individual executives. . Formally, they represent a team, but each member has personal stakes or hidden agendas. This fragmentation creates camps and invisible arguments, and undermines effective collaboration and team work. The programme Team Leadership Excellence helps augment a genunine team in which each member can see how he/she can benefit from the other’s abilities, to reach the organisational objectives together. After completing this programme, you will truely understand how you are stronger together.

You get real, sustainable growth.

This programme offers real, sustainable growth, which does not skip stages or make false promises of instant success. Team Leadership Excellence helps you build your leaders, step by step, like a baby learning to walk. The results involve both effort and joy. We work with what is existing and available, not with what “is expected” of us.

You will be involved in a programme which is about and for people

People are an organisation’s most valuable asset. To keep them close, it is important to make things about them, not about someone telling them what to do. This programme revives the employees’ intrinsic motivation and desire to make a contribution.

You are working alongside one of the most experienced coaches in Romania.

I have accompanied over 250 clients (executives, managers, entrepreneurs and their teams,) through complex coaching processes over 10 years, to achieve results and successfully reach their goals. You can rely on my proven combination of business and coaching experience combined with a solid foundation of training, diplomas and recognised certifications that enable me to assist you in achieving lasting transformational change.

You build from your existing resources

In coaching, we work with the client’s resources. Unlike other programmes that focus on what could be, we work with what is here right now to make the objectives achievable. You build on the existing reality and develop abilities starting from who you are today.

The topics we approach

  • a new type of leadership – responsible, authentic, ability-centred;
  • how to go beyond an efficient manager – to being a fresh, innovative, optimistic leader;
  • how to communicate and establish yourself as an organisational leader, in a fluctuating economy and a highly complex and challenging context;
  • how to work with the existing resources;
  • how to develop people, and also to work side by side, channelling their passion and highest potential;

What you gain

  • clarity about who you are and how your frame of reality is transposed into the work environment;
  • higher awareness so that you take decisions in agreement with yourself and work for their achievement;
  • strengthened teams that operate with openness, transparency and acceptance towards one another;
  • stronger feelings of affiliation, contribution and joy for learning together; eliminating egotistical and territorialit behaviour;
  • eagerness to experiment and head into the unknown; this will eliminate result-bound attitudes and one-sided thinking;


In the programme, we work with various instruments including:

  • transformational leadership
  • value based leadership, the Richard Barret model
  • ontological leadership
  • systemic leadership
  • holacracy organisation principles

The work method in this programme involves:

  • team coaching – with the leaders and their teams
  • one on one coaching, which addresses individual challenges of the leadership team members

Who the programme is for

CEOs, board members and or leadership team members, managers or entrepreneurs with 3-5 years management experience

the teams in the leadership positions mentioned above

HR department leaders in multinational companies and large companies, who feel the inner need to overcome a blockage in their organisation

About the coach - Lilia Dicu

  • holds the highest distinction in coaching – Master Certified Coach (MCC), granted by International Coaching Federation (ICF), an international benchmark in coaching industry
  • has worked with more than 250 clients in 24 countries worldwide, from 10 different sectors (I.T., pharma&medical, banking, finance, FMCG, oil&gas, constructions, automotive, advertising etc.), in over 10 years of experience as an executive coach; Lilia is a business minded coach with the widest international experience in Romania.
  • has over 10 years experience in business, in top positions in multinational companies (SEWS, Lukoil).
  • certified for methods and instruments like NLP, systemic, ontological and transformational coaching, The Evolution of Conscience, GESTALT, Systemic Family Constellations, ESPERE.


Francois COSTE

Chief Executive Officer, Groupama Asigurări
”The coaching program for our executive leaders has helped transform the dynamics of our team: higher inter-personal trust, more cohesion, better collaboration, constructive debates of opinion, more happiness. I believe that this coaching was instrumental in Groupama Asigurari over-performing in 2015 and 2016 Romanian insurance market, in terms of net promoter score and profitable growth, as well as in achieving a surge in staff engagement. The coaching clearly helped rejuvenate our energy.”

Adriana VINCZE

Strategic Planning & PMO Director, Groupama Asigurări
In group sessions, Lilia helped us know each other better, to discover areas of individual and team potential and reflect upon areas we missed in our daily interaction.On the other hand, the individual sessions helped me better understand my position in the interaction with my colleagues and define specific growth objectives, which led to increased assertiveness, persuasion and impact. Lilia has a good grasp of the corporate challenges, and she succeeds to help her collaborators develop and evolve”.

Camelia Niță

Managing Director, TMF România
The first thing that comes to mind when I review my coaching experience with Lilia is ! Lilia is an extraordinary, inspiring person, who activates in you the wish and ability to find solutions to the challenges you are facing. The coaching process I covered with Lilia’s help offered me the chance to better know myself, on all levels, which also made positive impact in terms of organisational growth. I heartily recommend Lilia!

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