Dear Professor and Class Master Ivan Alexandrovici,
My dearest and most heartfelt wishes go to you!
I still remember vividly our history classes, when all of us were captivated and fascinated, in complete silence with eyes open wide, listening to your great history lessons as kids listen fairy tales by the fire.
Even now, when I close my eyes, I see the ancient colorful maps that you were switching during class, the paintings with the emperors and philosophers of the time, the quotes written on panels – all of it making the lessons feel like a movie – that nurtured our imagination and took our breaths.
I remember the adjoining room of the history office where you collected and kept the most beautiful books, the pleasant smell of clean, paper, textbooks. There, you introduced me to your books and asked me: “What are these?”; “Books!,” I replied. “Lilia, these are not books, this is pure gold! Because whoever loves and understands books is a very rich human being!” you replied. At the age of 11, I didn’t think about the wealth books give you, but I saw the passion in your eyes and the desire to share your richness with me. Your first suggestion was “Files from Plutarch” I don’t remember the author exactly, but I know that this was the first book that “made me rich”.
After reading each of the books, you would always ask me “Let’s see, what did you understand?” followed by hours of conversation and debate, where you would often kindly exclaim, “Very interesting! Extraordinary!”. Oh! and how much I loved being soaked in the appreciation and attention of the teacher, who was respected by hundreds of children from school. It was pure magic for me to have conversations with the Oracle…
Professor, thank you! I want you to know that you are a central figure of my childhood memories, a source of inspiration that shaped my future, the person who gave me confidence and wealth. I would like you to know that you are a companion who went along with me in life, ever since I met you, and you continued to elevate me even after I finished school and never saw you again. You enriched me beyond measure. Thank you for sharing the gold with me and not only me… indirectly you shared it with my children. Yes Professor, I am trying to pass on what you gave me! Education, knowledge, respect, recognition, courage, wisdom, love!
My thoughts of great appreciation, feelings of deep gratitude turn to a man who raised people, giving himself to the profession and vocation to shape young human minds, planting in their hearts seeds of love for truth, beauty and life.
Ivan Alexandrovici, THANK YOU and you will always have a special place in my heart and mind!
Lilia Frunze
Today I know that what I have become, is thanks to those who saw me, my potential and had the patience, kindness and dedication to marvel at the “Wonderful Seed” as Lucian Blaga would say.
Years are passing and we rarely think about the gifts we received through the people who saw us, heard us, wanted to listen to us and made a positive impact in our lives.
Who inspired you? Who helped you become a better version of yourself?
Challenge 1
I challenge you to this unexpectedly emotional exercise. Write a letter to a special one who has touched your life!
Challenge 2
Send it! Send the letter and let them know how they influenced your life!
Dare for more // Lilia